Saturday, September 30, 2017

13 Hidden Traditions of Mabon

Mabon, of all the Sabbats, does not directly correlate to any known Celtic or Anglo-Saxon holiday. Instead, the harvest that it celebrates honored an entire season of sacred, survival-ensuring work. Mabon's predecessor, Michaelmas, came about as a recognized holy day during harvest season as a means of subverting the Pagan harvest traditions by entrenching them in church doctrine. In 1011 the Christian church established September 29th as the feast of Saint Michael, to honor the protecting archangel as the leader of God’s heavenly host of angels, and to honor his triumph over Lucifer. Michaelmas evolved from a feast day into a day of conducting serious end-season business. In the 20th century, as Protestantism became dominant, Michael.......13 Hidden Traditions of Mabon

Corn Dolly

 Have a Wicked Good Day!
